In ZePrA, files are processed via queues and each queue is assigned a configuration. A configuration contains all the necessary settings for converting and processing files. Queues and their configurations are managed separately, and configurations can be reassigned to queues at any time.The Define Queues window (Sidebar: Overview) provides an overview of the existing queues and their associated configurations.
Note: The Queue drop-down menu functions like a search field. Simply type in some letters of the desired queue and only those queues containing these letters will be shown in the list. Alternatively you may open the drop-down menu with the little arrow on the right and select a queue from the full list as usual. The settings of the selected queue are shown below under Folders and Options.
Define the sort order of the queues on the right side of the drop-down menu.
There are two options: Alphanumeric sorting Name (A-Z) or default sorting, where the oldest queues are at the top and the newest at the bottom of the list.
Automatically Setting up Queues
We recommend using the Auto Setup Wizard to create new queues for all typical standard-compliant workflows. It simplifies the process by automatically creating hotfolders and assigning the required configurations. If you work with ColorLogic’s standard DeviceLink profiles, the Auto Setup also adds all relevant PDF/X information automatically.

Queues can be created in Auto Setup
Manually Setting up Queues
To create a new queue, a Base Folder must be created, a Configuration must be assigned, and a Name must be entered.
New: Use the New button to create and name a queue manually. By activating the Automatic Setup checkbox, you can immediately assign a Configuration from the drop-down menu to the new queue. The sort order of the configurations in the drop-down menu can be changed from default to alphanumeric via the icon on right.
Select None from the Configuration drop-down menu to assign no configuration to the new queue, for example, if you want the queue to receive Job Control Files only.
The configuration of a queue can be changed at any time. To assign a different configuration to a queue, select the desired configuration from the Process with Configuration drop-down menu in the Options tab.
Rename: Rename existing queues.
Delete: To delete queues.
Save: To save edited queues.
Input Folder: Sets the location for the Input folder of the queue. Copy or move the files to be converted into this folder. The files placed here are automatically processed using the settings of the assigned configuration.
Output Folder: Converted files are moved into this folder. The job ID and configuration name are added to the file name.
Originals Folder: The original files are moved into this folder (Done).
Note: If you do not want to keep the original files after the conversion, you can remove the path to the Done folder.
Temporary Folder: If the files are to be copied to a server or network drive, it is recommended to create a temporary folder on the local system to avoid unnecessary traffic over the network.
Error Folder: Incorrectly processed or unsupported file types are marked red in the Overview and moved to the Error folder.
Output Folder with Warnings: Files that could be processed, but may have a problem, will be stored in the Output folder and will be marked with a yellow warning in the Overview. Alternatively, you can also define an Output Folder with Warnings in which such files will be moved after processing.
At program start, all folders of a queue (Input, Output, etc) are checked for integrity. If a folder is missing or not writeable, the queue is stopped and a workflow warning is displayed.
When the program is running, the Input folder is constantly checked, while the other folders (Output, etc.) are not (for performance reasons).
If a job is being processed and cannot be written or moved to its destination folder, all folders in the queue are checked. If a queue has been stopped after checking, it will be started automatically when the folder is accessible again.
Retain Sub Folder in the Input Folder: Preserves empty subfolders in the Input folder while also preserving the original folder structure, which is important for workflows that require these subfolders.
Note: Whole folders with files can be inserted into the Input folder of a Queue. Normally, the files of this subfolder are processed and a subfolder with the same name is created in the Output folder, where the processed files are placed. At the same time, the subfolder of the Input folder is moved to the Done folder, so that the Input folder remains empty afterwards. Select this check box to preserve empty subfolders in the Input folder.
Process with Configuration: Assigns a configuration to the selected queue. The sort order of the configurations in the drop-down menu can be changed from default to alphanumeric via the icon on right. The configuration of a queue can be changed at any time.
Target File Name: Append Text: Adds a suffix to the original file name. By default, this suffix corresponds to the configuration name, but can be changed manually.
The keyword $Configuration is added to all newly created configurations. It appends the name of the configuration to the converted file.
For Job Control Files, $Configuration appends the specified configuration name, or the base configuration selected from the control file.
If a configuration and its configuration name has been edited via Hold and Edit (in the Overview), when using $Configuration this configuration name is appended.
Append Job ID: Uses the Job ID that is shown in the Overview dialog for the processed job and appends it to the original file name. If this function is disabled, a file that is converted a second time is overwritten in the Output folder using the same name.
Copy File Types: Transfers job tickets in JDF, XML, TXT format or similar file types. Enter the formats in the text box and separate multiple formats with a comma.
If a job ticket has the same name as the processed file, it is copied to the Output folder and moved to the Done folder.
Post Process: After conversion, a file can be processed further. To do so, activate the checkbox and select an application or a script file (e.g. a batch file under Windows or a shell script under macOS) which is to be used to open the converted file. This is equivalent to a drag-and-drop operation of the converted file onto the selected application or script.
To select a batch file or a Java Script file, specify the path to the corresponding file. Example for a batch file: C:\CL\Temp\example.bat, example for a Java Script: C:\CL\Temp\example.js
Note: To use Java scripts, a Java Script runtime environment like Node.js must be installed.
If you activate the checkbox without selecting an application or script, the converted file will be opened in the file manager (Finder in macOS, Explorer in Windows).
After processing, PDF files are opened with the standard PDF viewer, for example Adobe Acrobat.
Please make sure that the correct permissions are assigned to the script file, otherwise execution of the script will fail. This can be done via the console (terminal) with the command “chmod 755 /path/to/scriptfile.sh”.
The Post Process function is not available for drag-and-drop queues.
Job Report: Creates a report in PDF, HTML, XML or text file format. Once created, it is saved under the original file name, followed by the REPORT addition.
Folder: Defines the location for the Job Report.
Delay(s): Processing of a job can be delayed which may be necessary if large files are copied to hot folders shared via the network using a slow connection. Enter the duration of the delay in seconds.
Priority: Their priority determines the order of the jobs to be processed. Change the Priority by right-clicking on the queue and change its default setting Normal to High or Low.
Notes: The use of notes is particularly useful when processing a large number of queues, configurations, and jobs with ZePrA. Notes have an integrated search function allowing information on machine parameters, paper information, or customer information to be linked to queues, configurations, or jobs, and later can be easily found using the search function in the Overview window.
Waiting Time (s) for Job Control Files: If Job Control Files are to be used to process a job, select the check box and enter the waiting time. This ensures that an associated Job Control File is waited for, rather than simply processing the job files directly as usual. Job Control Files contain the processing settings for the associated job and are placed in the Input folder with the files to be processed. For detailed information see Automation and Connectivity.
Notes: When a Job Control File matching a job is recognized, the job is processed immediately, even if the waiting time has not yet passed.
It is not mandatory to set a waiting time, since Job Control Files are always checked for, even if the check box is deselected. If the job to be processed and the Job Control File are placed in the Input folder simultaneously, an additional waiting time is rather not necessary. However, this depends on your workflow and the speed of the network.
If Missing: Specify how to proceed if no Job Control File is transmitted. There are three self-explanatory options:
- Process Job as usual with Configuration
- Process Job as usual and generate a Job Warning
- Display Error
Using Queues
- Copy or move files to be converted to the Input folder of the queue. The files stored here are automatically processed using the settings of the assigned configuration.
- The converted file is then moved to the Output folder. The job ID and configuration name are added to the file name.
- The original file is moved to the Done folder.
- If the files are to be copied to a server or network drive, it is recommended to create a Temporary folder on the local system.
- Incorrectly processed or unsupported file types are marked red in the Overview and moved to the Error folder. Files that could be processed, but might contain a problem, will be placed in the Output folder and a yellow warning will be displayed in the Overview. Alternatively, you can also define an Output Folder with Warnings in which such files will be moved after processing.
Tip: Configurations can be tested easily by dragging and dropping files to the desired queue in the Overview. The converted files are saved separately with the name of the configuration and Job ID as the name extension in addition to the original files.