Special Features
Profile search in drop-down menus
All profile drop-down menus function like search fields. Simply type in some letters of the desired profile and only those profiles containing these letters will be shown in the list. To select a profile simply click on it.
If several profiles with identical names are found on the system, all of them are listed in the profile drop-down menu. After selecting a profile, its storage location is displayed in a tooltip.
Alternatively you may open the drop-down menu with the arrow on the right and select a profile from the full list as usual. Right-clicking on the arrow displays the most recently created ICC profiles available for selection from the list.
Loading data files
Load opens and displays existing measurement data files.
A right click on Load opens a list with recently used files. Selecting an entry in the recently used files list while pressing the CMD key takes you to the folder containing the file.
Alternatively, drag and drop the data into the window to extract and view the data.
Context menus
A right-click on an entry in a list or table opens a context menu with useful tools specific to the respective table or list content. This is especially true for the Profile Manager, where the context menu contains many interesting features.
Next and Back buttons
The two buttons Next and Back at the bottom of most windows allow navigating within tools.
CoPrA contains a notification message service (similar to ZePrA’s Troubleshooting) that allows multiple messages to be displayed at the bottom of the window. If more than one notification or warning is available, this is shown in the icons with the number of warnings. When clicking on the icon or the warning text, all warnings are shown.
The controls to configure and use CoPrA can be found in the Sidebar. Clicking on the Home icon at the left of the window opens the Sidebar which allows a quick selection of the desired tools.
To launch a specific module, click on the corresponding button of the Sidebar. The colored bar of the upper left corner under Color Profiling Application indicates the active module.
Printer Profiling
DeviceLink Profiling
Menu Bar

CoPrA (macOS only): Allows access to the dialogue About (see below), Preferences and Services and quits CoPrA.
Preferences: Define CoPrAs settings, such as the preferred starting page, overwriting of preview profiles or report settings.
Detailed Information can be found here.
Navigation (Windows only): In this menu, change the Preferences and select CoPrA’s various modules (the modules can also be accessed via the sidebar). The menu also shows the shortcuts for the individual modules.
Navigation (macOS only): Select CoPrA’s various modules (the modules can also be accessed via the sidebar). The menu also shows the shortcuts for the individual modules.
Import Settings: Import CoPrA settings to the preset menu
Export Settings: Export CoPrA’s settings for backup or to load in another system
Cleanup Settings: All settings found under the entry [EDITED] will be deleted automatically when using the command Cleanup settings from the Tools menu.
Open EditTargets folder: Opens the EditTargets folder:
Windows: C:\Program Files(x86)\CoPrAX\EditTargets
macOS: Applications\CoPrAX\EditTargets
Open Testcharts folder: Opens the Testcharts folder:
Windows: C:\Program Files(x86)\CoPrAX\Testcharts
macOS: Applications\CoPrAX\Testcharts
Open Favorites Folder: Provides direct access to the FavoriteFiles folder. The files in this folder can then be conveniently opened via the context menu in the Printer Profiling tools New Printer Profile and Update Profile.
To make frequently used files accessible in the list, store them in the FavoriteFiles folder.
All supported files in this folder are displayed at the top of the list and are separated from the recently used files by a dashed line. As this list is shared by all ColorLogic applications, the files contained there are also available in ColorAnt and ZePrA.
Online Help: Opens CoPrA’s Online Help (internet connection required).
Quick Start Guide: Opens the online help page for the Quick Start Guide (internet connection required).
What’s New: Links to the online help page with the new features and bug fixes in CoPrA (internet connection required).
readme.txt: Contains the release notes with short information about the latest changes.
Registration: Load and activate licenses, request a demo license or get more information about the licenses.
Check for update: Checks whether a new program version is available (internet connection required).
Save Support Data: Creates a compressed and encrypted text file that contains important support information.
About: Opens the registration dialog. Contains information about the version and build number.