SaveInk Report

Information on ink saving

Creating SaveInk Reports

SaveInk reports give a detailed overview of the ink savings of all SaveInk queues and jobs processed. To create a report select SaveInk Report in the sidebar.


Ink savings on all SaveInk queues


  1. Select SaveInk-Report in the Sidebar.
  2. Enter a file name and select the format. The report can be created as PDF (default), TXT, HTML or XML. Then specify the save location.
  3. Click Save and the ink saving report will be generated.

Summary: Shows the ink saving for all files for each SaveInk queue and for all queues.

Ink Saving per Queue and Job: Shows details of individual queues and jobs.

Note: The percentage calculations in the SaveInk Report refer only to the CMYK components. Transparency effects, overprinting elements, and spot colors are not taken into account.